15 Top Money Making Side Hustles For Passive Income
Looking for ideas on side hustles for passive income to start so you can begin making money while you sleep? These are some of the best side hustles for passive income that you need to be aware of. All of these can help you generate enough money to finally reach financial freedom.

Those that have reached financial freedom have done so by starting side hustles for passive income.
By doing so, they are able to generate multiple streams of passive income.
Making passive income online allows you to make money even when you aren’t “working.”
Nowadays, it’s easy for people like you who are wanting to make extra money to jump on the bandwagon.
As someone who has started their own side hustle, I am sharing some of the top passive income ideas.
By the time you’re done reading this post, you will feel motivated to start your own side hustles for passive income.
This post is all about side hustles for passive income that every person wanting to achieve financial freedom should know about.
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Top Side Hustles For Passive Income
What Is Passive Income?
For those that don’t know, passive income is a way to make money that requires very little to no effort.
The best thing about this type of income is it allows you to bring in money no matter what you are doing.
Meaning, you don’t have to be physically working.
That’s right, whether you’re out with family and friends or sleeping, you can still have money flowing in.
Can You Live Off Passive Income?
It is absolutely possible to live your life from passive income! In fact, this is exactly how a lot of wealthy people live.
By being in this position, they are able to live the life they want, however they want.
All while avoiding having to work long hours to make ends meet.
Plenty of wealthy people will even tell you that in order to live comfortably, you need to have at least 5 sources of income.
That way, if one income isn’t bringing in money, you still have others that are.
Related: Good Money Habits Of The Very Wealthy That Actually Work
What Is The Most Profitable Passive Income?
In all honesty, it’s difficult to choose just one passive income idea that is deemed the most profitable.
This is because by putting in the right amount of work, you can turn any side hustle into a profitable one. So profitable that you will be able to generate thousands of dollars each month in passive income.
Because of this, plenty of high earning passive income opportunities are available.
Trust me when I say that once you’re aware of how much money you can make, you’ll want to have multiple streams of passive income.
What Is The Best Side Hustle To Make Passive Income?
Listed down below you will find plenty of side hustles for passive income to choose from.
Most of these are deemed the best because of how much success they can bring you.
One thing to keep in mind is success doesn’t always happen overnight.
However, being consistent and putting in the work will eventually get you to where you want to be.
Once you’re there and know what financial freedom feels like, you’ll never want to go back to not having passive income.
1. Affiliate Marketing
If you enjoy recommending products or services to others, then this side hustle might be the one for you.
Affiliate marketing allows you to make passive income by earning commissions. This is possible by sharing a link to whatever it is that you are recommending.
When a consumer clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.
It’s no secret that the most popular company to be an affiliate partner for is Amazon.
At this point, almost everyone makes purchases from Amazon on the daily.
Because of this, people are able to make thousands of dollars each month recommending Amazon products.
Once your link is on your website, blog, or social media platform, it’s out there.
Meaning, you can be living your life making passive income as people click on your links and make purchases.
Other popular affiliate marketing networks include ShareASale and Awin.
2. Amazon FBA
Speaking of Amazon, another great way to make passive income through them is with Fulfillment by Amazon. Also known as Amazon FBA.
With this service, you essentially send products to Amazon fulfillment centers.
From there, they will store, pick, pack, and ship out your products whenever a customer makes a purchase.
Think of it as having your own team doing all the physical work while you sit at home making money.
What’s nice about this platform is that it already has a built in audience.
Meaning, with a bit of advertising, you can have hundreds of customers rushing to buy your products.
Once customers start leaving positive reviews, this will push others to want to buy from you.
3. Create An App
Apps are used every single day, sometimes multiple times a day.
This is why creating an app can bring you the passive income you are looking for. You can make one that falls under food, productivity, lifestyle, gaming, photography, and so much more.
You can charge a couple of dollars to download the app or make it free, but charge in-app purchases.
There are even some apps that include in-app ads, so definitely something to keep in mind.
Though it can cost quite a bit to invest when creating an app, the amount of passive income you can earn in the subsequent years is well worth it.
Related: 25 Profitable Digital Product Ideas Guaranteed To Make You Money
4. Start A Blog
This will forever be one of the best side hustles for passive income.
By starting a blog, you can make money from affiliate links, ads, sponsored posts, selling digital products and much more.
Most enjoy making a blog because it doesn’t cost a whole lot to start, but the outcome is very rewarding.
If you search on YouTube, you can find many videos of bloggers bringing in more than $10,000 a month.
There are even some bloggers doing this long enough to bring in 7 figures each year through passive income.
You read that correctly. This is why starting a blog should never be overlooked.
Related: 7 Of The Most Profitable Ways To Make Money Blogging
5. WordPress Themes
Part of having a successful, money-making blog includes having one that is visually appealing to the reader.
After all, people enjoy looking at nice things.
If you present something that is visually appealing to the eye, people are more likely to want to see it.
Bloggers usually go about this by purchasing and installing a WordPress theme.
What is a WordPress theme? These are essentially a collection of files one can install to make their blog look pretty without knowing how to code.
So if you’re someone that enjoys coding and designing websites, you might want to look into creating WordPress themes.
Once you’ve created a couple of these themes, you can sell them on a platform like Etsy.
Just like Amazon, Etsy already has a built in audience.
Because bloggers cover different niches, you can get very creative when creating these themes to sell.
6. Pinterest Templates
Pinterest is a visual search engine content creators use to promote all kinds of things.
On this platform, people can share food recipes, DIY crafts, home decor ideas, blog posts, and much more. This is done through the use of pins.
Pins are visually appealing images or videos that content creators make to catch a viewers attention.
This is what helps drive traffic to their website, blog, or product they are trying to sell.
This is why you can easily make money by using a program like Canva to create Pinterest templates to sell.
Similar to WordPress themes, you can be creative as you want and also sell these on Etsy.
Though Canva has a paid version, you can definitely get away with just using the free version.
Related: 9 Incredibly Smart Strategies To Make Money On Pinterest
7. Start a YouTube Channel
If you don’t want to start a blog but still want to put content out, consider making a YouTube channel.
With YouTube, you can upload all sorts of videos. From commentary videos, vlogging videos, DIY videos, and even faceless videos.
Do faceless YouTube channels actually make money? They absolutely do.
Similar to a blog, you can make money through ads, sponsored videos, and affiliate links.
So if you’re camera shy, don’t let that stop you from recording and uploading videos.
Plenty of creators who started on YouTube as a way to make beginner passive income, have even gone off to start their own successful businesses.
Allowing them to make more than enough money in passive income.
8. Vending Machine Business
There are many different products you can sell through vending machines.
With a vending machine, you can sell products like snacks, beverages, electronics, and even travel-sized toiletries.
Having a successful vending machine business includes placing them in strategic locations. Once you know where the high-traffic areas are, you can ensure you will be making money in no time.
You can even create a poll and ask customers what products they prefer to purchase.
Once you know what they want, you can continue to restock those specific items.
By regularly maintaining and restocking your machines, you’ll be able to continue to easily sell your products.
9. Rent Out A Room
This is an oldie but goodie. With the way house prices are, it may not be possible to buy one to rent out.
However, if you already own a home or are currently paying it off, you can rent out a room. Whether you are advertising on social media or in person, you are bound to find someone ready to apply.
The amount you charge can be enough to cover your mortgage, but still have money leftover to throw into your savings.
Just make sure to have a contract for your tenant to sign to ensure that you, as well as your home, are protected.
10. Rent Out Storage
Another part of your home you can rent out is your garage or any unused space for storage.
Those that love to spend their money need a place to store all of their belongings.
That’s where you come in.
By allowing someone to rent out your space, you can charge them a fee for doing so.
To prevent any liability issues from happening, make sure to use a storage rental platform like StoreAtMyHouse or Neighbor.
11. Create A Course
For those that have a skill they are great at and want to share it, creating a course is the way to go.
Plenty of people are always looking to learn a specific skill and that’s where you come in. By creating a course, you can teach someone how to properly do something from A through Z.
Some examples include teaching how to create a blog, how to properly film YouTube videos, and how to cook a specific meal.
After creating a course, you can sell them on platforms such as Skillshare, Teachable, or Kajabi.
Let’s say y0u make a comprehensive course and sell it for $350.
If you have at least 10 people buy your course, that’s $3,500 that you’re making in passive income.
Though it can take some time to create a course, the payoff is well worth it.
12. Create E-Books
Creating an extensive course is not the only way to teach a skill that you excel at to others.
Writing e-books is yet another way for you to share knowledge without breaking the bank. Since it doesn’t cost a lot of money to make these, you can make a huge profit.
You can go about making these using software like InDesign or Canva. After creating your e-book, you can sell them on Amazon or Etsy.
The great thing about e-books is that you don’t need to make them incredibly long.
You can make them short, but filled with enough content that readers still benefit from reading it.
Just make sure that you write about topics people actually want to read. This will help you make more sells.
13. Sell Photos
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words.
For this reason, photos are used to promote products, create ads, and elevate websites or a blog. Most go about acquiring these photos from stock websites like Adobe Stock or Alamy as it is cheaper than hiring a photographer.
If you enjoy photography, you can take photos and sell them to these websites.
Once sold, you can either make money from royalties or get paid per image download.
So if you’ve ever wondered how to make money through photography, this is how you do so.
14. Sell Print On Demand Designs
When having design skills, you can easily make passive income by opening a print-on-demand shop.
You simply create designs you can put on mugs, bags, hats, or on the most popular item, t-shirts. Once the design is created, you upload it to platforms like Printify, Zazzle, or Gelato.
From there, you find ways to advertise your store.
When an order is placed, it goes to the supplier. The supplier then puts your design on an item, packages it, and ships it out to the customer.
Once these steps have been completed, you get paid.
15. Invest In The Stock Market
Not going to lie, this one can be a bit tricky when starting off.
Learning how to properly invest in the stock market does take time but once you get the hang of things, the amount of money you can make passively is unreal.
So much so that when done correctly, investing easily becomes one of many powerful healthy money habits worth always practicing.
Since there are different funds and stocks worth investing into, it is best to first speak with a financial advisor.
With their knowledge and by opening up a brokerage account, you’ll be able to achieve the passive income goals you’ve set for yourself.
This post was all about the top side hustles for passive income to begin in order to achieve financial freedom.
You now know the passive income meaning as well as how to make passive income through different side hustles.
Although some of these are viewed as passive income ideas for young adults, you definitely don’t have to be young to begin.
In all reality, anyone can start any one of these side hustles.
As you begin to earn money from your first side hustle, start another.
You want to keep doing this until you’re able to build multiple sources of passive income.
The more ways you have of generating money, the easier it will be to achieve financial freedom and live the life you truly deserve.
If you found even the tiniest bit of information from this post helpful, just know that it was made simply for you.
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