21 Brilliant Ways To Save Money On Your Electric Bill
Knowing how to effectively save money on your electric bill can help you easily save hundreds of dollars each year. It probably won’t come as a surprise that out of all your bills, your electric bill is probably the highest one. Though you use electricity for many things, there are tips to lower your electricity usage that help reduce your bill.

Constantly having a high electric bill should make you want to find ways to save money on your electric bill.
As someone who has had some very high electric bills, I know how much of a burden it can be.
Especially if you are working on saving as much money as you can for your future.
You are going to learn how to save money on your electric bill using simple, yet highly effective, tips.
These tips can even help you cut your electric bill by 75 percent!
Because of the huge savings you will see, this should be more than a good enough reason for you to start saving your money.
So if you want to start saving, make sure to review all of these ways to save on electricity.
This post is all about tips to save money on your electric bill so that you have one less bill to worry about.
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Brilliant Ways To Save Money On Your Electric Bill
Before getting to the good stuff, don’t forget to pin this post so you have an easier time coming back to it at a later time.
Am I Paying Too Much For Electricity?
This will greatly depend on where you live and how much electricity you personally use.
Here in California, the average electric bill per month in 2023 was about $164. And it only keeps increasing with each year that goes by.
Since I live in California, this is what helps me determine if my bill is too high or if it is where it needs to be.
The best way to get a point of reference is through a simple search.
All you need to do is check what the average electric bill is for the state you are in.
What Runs Your Electric Bill Up The Most?
There are a lot of different factors that cause your electric bill to skyrocket.
Some examples that cause your bill to be high include things like:
- Outdated appliances
- Increased electricity rate
- Extreme weather
- Insufficient insulation
- Peak time energy use
- Water heater
- Phantom power
Though the list goes on, these are some of the most common ones. Even though these are seen as common, not everyone knows what to do to address these factors.
Luckily, many ways to go about reducing electricity exist so that you can start saving money today.
What Is The Most Efficient Way To Save Electricity?
In all honesty, there are probably over 100 ways to save electricity.
Because of this, there really isn’t just 1 simple trick to cut your electric bill by 90 percent.
However, you can use many of the creative ways to save electricity together to heavily reduce your bill.
On one hand, some of these tips may require you to spend a little bit of money.
On the other hand, some may just cost you a little bit of your time.
In the end, these tips will help you get into the good money habit of saving your money. So say good bye to being shocked the next time you see the total of your electric bill!
How To Save Money On Electric Bill?
1. Switch To LED Light Bulbs
One easy change to make is swapping out regular light bulbs you currently use with these LED light bulbs.
You may be wondering, how much money do you save using LED light bulbs?
According to the Department of Energy, LEDs use up to 90 percent less energy. They also last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.
This means shaving off a couple of dollars each month on your bill.
Not only because they help reduce energy, but because they don’t have to be replaced as often compared to traditional bulbs.
Since light bulbs are a staple in any home, you can even buy them in bulk to save more money.
These LED bulbs come with a total of 24 and come in different colors for you to choose from.
2. Use Tower Fans Instead Of Your Air Conditioner
Running your air conditioner all the time is one big reason your bill will come out very high.
This is where using a tower fan can be way more cost-efficient. In fact, this is one way on how to save money on electric bill in summer.
During those incredibly hot summer days, this tower fan will instantly become your new best friend.
These fans usually come with a couple of different modes and speed settings.
They also make very little to no noise.
That way, you can enjoy the nice cooling effect of these fans without loud noises interfering with what you are doing.
3. Turn Off All Lights
This is yet another easy way to save that just takes a small bit of your time.
Some people have the bad habit of leaving the light on from the room they just left. It can even take hours before going back into the room to turn the light off.
Now, just imagine how much money you are spending if multiple lights are left on when not necessary.
To prevent this, you can take a bright colored sticky note and write out, “Turn off light” and stick it on the light switch.
That way, as you’re leaving the room, the bright sticky note will catch your attention.
The note will then remind you to turn off the light.
The more you do this, the easier it will be to remember to turn off all nights when not in use.
4. Unplug Unused Electronic Devices And Appliances
Just because a plugged in appliance is not in use, does not mean it isn’t using up any electricity.
When leaving all kinds of unused appliances plugged in, the energy being used is referred to as phantom power.
Phantom power accounts for up to 10 percent of your electricity bill.
This is why it is wise to get into the habit of unplugging electronic devices and appliances not being used.
Common examples to keep in mind are things like laptops and cell phone charges, televisions, coffee makers, portable fans, blenders, and microwave ovens.
5. Use Power Strips
Speaking of power, one item worth investing into is a power strip like this one.
These are fairly inexpensive and remove the hassle of unplugging devices and appliances one by one.
You simply plug in your items into the power strip. When they’re not in use, hit the ‘off’ button to power off all connected items at once.
Nowadays, power strips have a built in surge protector.
When they do, the strip may look like any other regular strip.
The difference is that these have multiple outlets that protect your items from sudden power loss due to voltage strikes.
They also keep your cables neatly organized, so you can’t go wrong with investing in one of these.
6. Take Shorter Showers
It’s no secret that showers are a great way to practice self care. Because of this, you might take longer showers than you really need to.
Taking long showers, especially with constant hot water, causes your electric bill to increase significantly.
This is due to the amount of energy it takes to heat up the water and keep it that way.
To combat this, you can instead take shorter showers. You can also take it a step further and use only cold water.
Another great option is to purchase a low flow shower head like this one.
These types of shower heads work by allowing less water to flow out, meaning less water to heat up.
That way, you can enjoy hot showers without having a high electric bill.
Related: 25 Highly Effective Water Saving Tips To Reduce Your Water Bill
7. Use A Microfiber Hair Towel
When it comes to drying your hair after a shower, you most likely use a hairdryer.
Depending on how long and how much hair you have, it can take a while before you get it to completely dry.
To cut down on this time by at least half, you can invest in a microfiber towel.
Not only are they super absorbent, but they are incredibly soft. So you don’t have to worry about damaging your hair.
This microfiber hair towel comes in a large size with an elastic strap that helps secure all your hair.
8. Run Your Dishwasher Full
If you use a dishwasher rather than cleaning your dishes by hand, make sure to completely fill it up.
This specific appliance already uses a lot of energy to begin with. So you want to avoid washing only a few dishes at a time.
You also want to make sure you load your dishes the correct way.
Always remember, place plates in the bottom rack, bowls on the top rack, and cups upside down.
This is yet another easy habit to practice that can reward you with huge savings.
9. Air Dry Your Dishes
Most dishwashers have a heat-dry option. However, you want to avoid this option as much as possible.
Instead, use the air-dry option if it is available.
If it’s not available, simply crack open the door and let things dry the old fashion way.
If you can’t wait for your dishes to air-dry and need to reuse them as soon as possible, dry them off using dishcloths like these ones.
These cloths are lint-free, super absorbent, and so fluffy making them soft enough to use on all dishes.
Related: 19 Reusable Must Have Kitchen Items That Save You Money
10. Run Your Washer Full
Similarly to a dishwasher, only wash full loads when it comes to your clothes. You also only want to wash clothes that are truly dirty.
Determining truly dirty clothes can be done using the sniff test.
Our noses are great at identifying smelly odors.
If something you wore earlier in the day, or even a few days ago, passes the sniff test and has no visible stains, you can hold off on washing it.
This method also helps prolong the life of your clothes. So less money spent on purchasing new ones.
11. Use Cold Water When Washing Laundry
Earlier I mentioned that the energy it takes to heat up water can cause your electric bill to increase significantly.
The same applies here. If you didn’t know, 90 percent of energy consumed by your washing machine goes to heating up the water.
Unless your clothes absolutely need to be washed in hot water, always select cold water instead.
12. Air Dry Clothes
Continuing on with laundry, air drying your clothes is a money saving alternative to using a dryer.
All you need is some sun and a drying rack. This drying rack has a lot of hanging space and is collapsible for easy storage.
Even if there is no sunlight available or it’s raining outside, this can definitely be used indoors.
For those days where you can’t wait for your clothes to dry and absolutely need to use the dryer, consider using wool balls.
These wool balls work by cutting down the amount of time it takes for your clothes to dry.
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13. Set Refrigerator To Recommended Temperature
When it comes to your refrigerator, make sure it isn’t running too cold.
The recommended temperature is usually between 36 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit.
Whatever you do, don’t let it go above 40 degrees. As this can cause bacteria to multiply at a quicker rate.
The best way to ensure the temperature is correct, is to keep a thermometer inside at all times.
This thermometer is very affordable, easy to read, comes with a hook, and small enough that it doesn’t take much space.
When placing the thermometer inside, avoid sticking it directly under a vent. That is where cold air comes out so if you do so, you won’t get an accurate reading.
Instead, place it below the top shelf, in the middle of the shelf, or closer to the door.
14. Replace Air Filters
Having dirty filters in place causes your AC to operate at a lower efficiency rate due to airflow getting restricted.
This means that your AC will have to work harder, using more energy than normal to cool your house down.
The general rule of thumb is to replace air filters every 90 days. Make sure to set a reminder so you don’t forget to change them out when it’s time.
Regularly changing out your air filters helps your AC system run more efficiently.
Allowing you to see a huge difference on your electric bill.
Since you will be replacing your air filters all throughout the year, buying them in bulk helps save even more money.
These air filters come in a pack of 6 and are very affordable.
15. Seal All Windows And Doors
If your windows and doors are not sealed correctly, you will be wasting a lot of energy and money.
This is due to air inside your home being able to escape through gaps. As well as outdoor drafts being able to easily enter through those same gaps.
You can prevent both of these through weather stripping.
This consists of using material in the form of a strip to tightly seal off any gaps.
Thus, ensuring that the air inside your home doesn’t escape freely and outdoor drafts are kept outside where they belong.
Make sure to walk around your home and check for any visible gaps.
If you spot any, use a seal strip like this one to ensure those gaps get sealed up tightly. Not only can you customize the strip, but it is incredibly easy to install.
16. Wear Appropriate Clothing
This might seem pretty obvious, but it can sometimes be forgotten.
That is to make sure you are wearing the appropriate clothing indoors depending on what season we’re in.
During warmer days, wear clothes that aren’t constricting and are instead light-weight and breathable. Ideally, you want to reach for things that are made out of polyester, nylon, or uncoated cotton.
On the flip side, you will want to layer up on clothing during those cold days. Here, you will want to reach for things made out of wool, fleece, or polypropylene.
Wearing appropriate clothing makes it so you don’t have to mess with the thermostat constantly, therefore lowering your electric bill.
17. Invest In Alternative Heat Sources
Aside from wearing warm clothes at home during winter, you can also invest in alternative heat sources.
Constantly running the heater and turning it up when you’re cold can cause you to use a lot of energy.
If you’re wondering how to lower electric bill in winter, consider purchasing a mini heater like this one.
This mini heater takes only a few moments to provide warm air, is portable, and makes very little noise.
Another item you can purchase is this heated mattress pad.
This item will especially come in handy when you’re ready to go to bed.
It has a couple of different settings to keep you warm throughout those cold nights so you don’t have to run the heater all night long.
18. Use Candles
Earlier I mentioned turning off all lights when they’re not in use to save on energy.
What you can do when having the lights off are use candles like these ones.
Candles are not only good for making a room smell nice, but they’re also great at providing light.
The best part about candles is the amount of times you can reuse them.
19. Install Blackout Curtains
Windows that are uncovered allow the sun to directly shine through into your home.
This leads to your home warming up quickly and causing your AC to work harder to keep things cool.
An easy way to put a stop to his is by installing blackout curtains.
Blackout curtains like these ones are designed to block out the sun and keep rooms cooler by insulating against the summer heat.
20. Do Not Charge Phones Or Laptops Overnight
When going to bed, avoid plugging in your phone or laptop to charge overnight.
Even when your electronics reach 100 percent, they continue to use energy so long as they are plugged in.
Instead, charge your electronics during the day and unplug them as soon as they are fully charged.
21. Convert Over To Solar
Switching to solar seems to be the way to go nowadays.
There’s the obvious route of having solar panels installed on the roof of your home.
However, don’t worry if you don’t have the funds for solar panels. As an affordable alternative is to purchase a solar charger power bank like this one.
Once fully charged, you can take it wherever you go as it is portable. These are great at charging your phone, tablet, and other smart devices.
An outdoor option is to purchase solar lights. These outdoor solar lights take a couple of hours to charge during the day and provide the right amount of light during the night.
This post was all about brilliant ways to save money on your electric bill.
If you were wondering how to reduce electricity bill at home or how to save money on electric bill in apartments, you now know how.
By using these tips collectively, you might even be able to easily cut electric bill by 75 percent.
The more you practice these tips, the easier it will be to implement them into a routine you can continue to follow time after time.
Make sure to start using these tips today to instantly start seeing savings.
If you found even the tiniest bit of information from this post helpful, just know that it was made simply for you.
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