25 Of The Best Clever Ways To Save Money Like A Pro
Part of reaching your financial goals includes being aware of the many clever ways to save money. Though it may seem difficult to save money at times, it definitely doesn’t have to be. Once you know of the correct tips that teach you how to save money, you will see just how easy it truly is.

Many clever ways to save money exist so that you have an easier time reaching your money saving goals.
Money saving goals that can really set you up for both present and future financial success!
As somebody who uses these clever ways to save money, I know how much money they can help you save.
You are going to learn about the best clever ways to save money that actually work!
This post is all about the best clever ways to save money that guarantee you will see huge savings each month.
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Best Clever Ways To Save Money
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What Is The Smart Way To Save Money?
Listed down below is a list of 25 incredibly clever money saving tips for those that want to know how to save money quickly!
1. Eliminate Bad Habits
Starting off with one of the best easy money saving tips is to eliminate any bad habits you may have!
For example, if you’re not the greatest at managing your money, learn how to make a monthly budget to get your finances in order.
If you spend way too much time on your phone endlessly scrolling on shopping apps, limit your phone time.
Have a spending problem? Then engage in a saving money challenge where you do your best to have multiple no spend days.
By eliminating bad habits and picking up on good money habits, you will find that working towards your reasons for saving money is easier than you think!
- 13 Reasons You Need A Budget: The Importance Of Budgeting
- Good Money Habits Of The Very Wealthy That Actually Work
2. Delete Credit Card Info
Speaking of spending problems, if you save your credit card info on shopping websites or apps, DELETE IT!
Saving this info makes it incredibly easy for you to make impulse purchases that you may regret later on.
By deleting your credit card info, you will have to physically get up and go grab your card when making a purchase.
During this time, you will have more than enough time to really think about the purchase you’re making and decide if it is worth it.
Most of the time these impulse purchases are not worth it at all! So stopping yourself in time can help you save money in the long run.
3. Unsubscribe From Emails
Many of us wake up every morning to emails from some of our favorite brands.
Emails that remind you about their newest items, sales that they’re currently having, or that you might’ve left a few items in your cart without checking out.
With the way brands go about email marketing, it is almost terrifying how easy it is for them to reel you in!
Making it seem like you’re the one benefiting from making a purchase. When in reality, they’re the ones benefiting because they got you to spend your money.
Therefore, unsubscribing from certain emails reduces any temptations from coming your way that stop you from saving money.
4. Compare Store Prices
One of the top tips for saving money on groceries is to go out and compare store prices.
Different stores sometimes carry the same items, but oftentimes at a much different price.
This can range from a couple of cents to a dollar or so in difference.
For this reason, it isn’t always the smartest idea to buy all of your groceries from a single store.
Instead, it is in good habit to shop around. That way, you can see where you can get some of your favorite items for much less!
Related: 17 Must Know Tips To Save Money On Groceries
5. DIY Cleaning Supplies
Those that live frugally will agree that this is one of the best frugal money saving tips out there!
There are so many videos online that show you how to make diy all purpose cleaner.
Some common affordable products that people use when making this includes lemon juice, vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.
You of course can’t forget to have some empty spray bottles on hand when making your all purpose cleaning spray.
Not only does making diy cleaning supplies save you money. But it allows you to use ingredients that aren’t as harsh when you compare them to traditional cleaning supplies!
6. Plan A Staycation
When it comes to taking time off work, most go about this by going on a lavish vacation.
After calculating the cost of the plane ticket, where they’re going to stay at, and what fun activities they will be doing, the cost of the trip can fall in the thousands range!
Now, just imagine if you’re taking multiple vacations throughout the year.
Instead of spending a huge amount of money, a money saving alternative is to explore the current city you’re in!
Even if you have lived in the same city for many years, the chances of their being places you’ve never been to are probably high.
During your staycation, try visiting some of these new spots. Some of these spots may even possibly become your new favorite go-to places!
7. Start A Garden
With the way certain fruits and vegetables keep increasing in price, starting a garden can be very beneficial!
This is especially true if you happen to have a backyard with a lot of space for gardening.
Depending on the produce you decide to start growing, you can save a lot of money year-round!
This gardening seed starter kit contains a great variety of seeds that you can use when growing your own garden.
Think of this as one of the many clever ways to save money at home!
8. Shower With A Bucket
Not going to lie, some might see this as one of those funny ways to save money.
Especially since it’s not common for people to do this, but hear me out. This is by far one of the best water saving tips available!
Because if you didn’t know, showering uses up SO MANY gallons of water every time you do so. Meaning, the more water you use, the more money you will be paying for your water bill!
Having a bucket inside your shower helps catch any excess water rather than having it go down the drain.
That way, you can reuse the water for things like flushing the toilet, washing your car, or watering your garden.
9. Utilize Power Strips
Another utility bill that can prevent you from saving money is your electric bill.
In fact, your electric bill is probably the one that you spend the MOST money on every month!
Which is why it helps to know how to save electricity. By doing so, you can really reduce the amount of money you spend at the end of your billing cycle.
A really amazing money saving tip is to make sure you are using power strips all around your home.
These heavily reduce energy usage so that you end up with a much lower electric bill every month. Allowing you to see huge savings!
Related: 21 Brilliant Ways To Save Money On Your Electric Bill
10. Stay Clear Of ATM Fees
ATM fees can range anywhere between $3 to $5 for each transaction. Though you may not see this as a lot, it can definitely add up!
I personally know of people who seem to be very careless when it comes to these kinds of fees.
By the time the end of the month arrives, they end up spending an unnecessary amount of money.
To avoid this from happening to you, be sure to plan out your purchases way ahead of time. That way you can completely avoid having to withdraw money from an ATM machine.
Though you may only be saving a couple of dollars, every little bit that you can save counts!
11. Maximize Items
Companies are notorious for putting out products that are “much better” than the previous product they put out.
They will literally do whatever it takes to convince you that you absolutely need their latest item or items!
The biggest example of this are phones. Every year or so, phone companies will release a new phone with a bigger screen, more cameras, and more storage space.
Nine times out of ten, the phone you currently use works just fine and does not need upgrading!
Make sure to maximize your phone until it is absolutely necessary to upgrade to a new one. Trust me when I say you will save A TON of money in doing so!
Keep in mind this tip does not just apply to phones. It applies to almost every item you can possibly think of.
12. Shop The Facebook Marketplace
Need a new piece of furniture? Some new clothes to spice up your wardrobe? A new phone to replace your old one?
Then consider hopping onto Facebook and shopping their market section.
The amount of different affordable items you can find that aren’t far from where you live is actually pretty neat!
You might even be able to find certain items on there that look as if they are brand new.
On top of this, there are plenty of people trying to get rid of stuff ASAP that they will literally list the item as free!
It really doesn’t get any better than that if you ask me.
13. Swap Clothes
Not a big fan of searching the Facebook marketplace for new pieces of clothing?
Don’t worry, as there is another money saving technique that helps when looking for new clothes. And that is to do a clothes swap with family or friends!
If you happen to have any family or friends that are willing to, see if you can interest them in exchanging some clothing.
You might even find that they have been eyeballing some of your cute items just as much as you’ve been eyeballing theirs!
Just make sure to have plenty of clothes hangers available for your new pieces.
14. Carpool
A second suggestion that falls under great money saving ideas involving family and friends, is to consider carpooling with them!
There was once a time where gas prices were astronomically high. I’m sure most of you remember this.
During this time, carpooling was very useful in helping people avoid having to pay high gas prices.
Even now, it is still a great idea to partake in. Especially if you work a 9 to 5 job.
Using gas to drive yourself to work every single day adds up over time. So carpooling really helps you save on gas and money!
15. Organize Your Belongings
Have you ever looked for a specific item at home, but couldn’t find it?
So you went out to purchase the item you were looking for. Only to later have the item you were originally looking for randomly pop up?
You then realize you just ended up wasting your hard earned money.
This is why it is beneficial to use organizers with all of your belongings! Making sure each item has its own home.
That way when you need to look for something, you know exactly where it is!
Though you may not find this on most people’s list of 250 money saving tips, it is still an exceptional tip to follow.
16. Ditch Disposable Items
If you currently use any type of disposable items, get rid of them ASAP!
I cannot stress how much these waste money, especially when using a numerous amount of disposable items.
When you can, make sure that you instead switch over to items that you can reuse.
Though reusable items can seem pricey at first glance, they help you save a lot of money as time goes on.
The amount of money you will be saving makes this the best way to save money for future use!
Related: 19 Reusable Must Have Kitchen Items That Save You Money
17. Automate Transfers To Your Savings Account
No matter what situation you are in, you should always have a good amount of money in your savings account!
At the beginning or end of each month, make sure you are putting money in there.
If you find it difficult to do so, automate your savings every month. Having this set up allows you to easily save money without even having to think about it.
Those that have a healthy savings account know how much it truly puts your mind at ease!
Trust me when I say this is by far the best way to save money in a bank.
18. Come Up With Money Saving Goals
Since we’re on the topic of money, you also want to have some sort of money saving goals to work towards.
Without having any type of goal set, it can be difficult for you to find the motivation to save money.
If you’re completely new to all of this, start off with a small amount.
For example, make it a goal to save at least $2o every week. So that at the end of the month you save $80.
After accomplishing this for a couple of months, slowly increase the amount you decide to save. In the end, you might even be able to start saving hundreds of dollars every month!
You’ll then be able to see why having money saving goals is considered one of the many creative ways to save money.
19. Take On A Side Hustle
Increasing your cash flow is a smart way to have more money available to put into your savings account.
SO MANY side hustles to make extra money exist! You can choose from side hustles like pet sitting, being an Uber driver, delivering food and so much more.
If you really want to make big bucks, then consider starting your very own side hustle!
Need some side hustle ideas to get started? Then check out 13 Best Side Hustles From Home To Start Today.
These ideas come in handy especially if you’re a teenager looking for tips on how to make money and how to save money as a teenager.
- 9 Incredibly Smart Strategies To Make Money On Pinterest
- 15 Popular And Profitable Amazon Products That Sell Well
- 25 Profitable Digital Product Ideas Guaranteed To Make You Money
20. Visit Cosmetology Schools
In need of a haircut or a well needed mani and pedi, but don’t want to pay expensive prices?
Then take a trip to any cosmetology schools that are in the area you live in!
Plenty of cosmetology schools constantly need live models to practice their skills on.
Because of this, they oftentimes offer services that are incredibly affordable compared to going to a traditional salon!
You might even find some schools that only charge a couple of bucks per service.
21. Skip Out On Expensive Dates
Setting up a date for you and your partner to go on shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg.
After all, it’s not always about how much money you spend. But rather, the thought that goes into planning the date.
That being said, skip out on expensive dates! And instead, search for budget friendly date ideas you can bring to life.
You will quickly find that there are so many indoor date ideas and outdoor date ideas that are very affordable.
Making this tip one of the top clever ways to save money on a budget!
Related: 17 Super Cute Cheap Date Night Ideas At Home You’ll Both Enjoy
22. Download Free Games
So many FREE games are available for you to download directly from the App Store.
Games that can easily keep you busy for hours upon hours making this one of the best ways to save money at home!
Though this game is an oldie it is definitely still a goodie, and that is Candy Crush Saga. There are plenty of people that play this game till this day!
Some other free mobile games include UNO, Monopoly Go, and Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. These are just a couple of well known games, but there are definitely many more!
Because these games are kid-friendly, this goes under helpful money saving tips for families.
23. Cash In On Your Birthday
Every time your birthday comes around, make sure to cash in on it!
A lot of companies will give you free stuff simply because it is your birthday.
Here is a list of a couple of places to get free stuff from on your birthday:
- 7-Eleven: Free slurpee.
- Buffalo Wild Wings: Free order of birthday wings.
- Cheesecake Factory: Free slice of birthday cheesecake.
- Crumbl: Free cookie.
- IHOP: Free stack of pancakes.
- Jersey Mike’s Subs: Coupon for a free birthday sub and drink.
- Ulta: Free mini beauty set.
The list goes on and on when it comes to the different free things you can get. So make sure to take advantage on your special day!
Before claiming any of these amazing birthday freebies, make sure to first sign up for each company’s rewards program.
24. Keep Your Car Well Maintained
Taking really good care of your car can help you avoid having to pay for hefty maintenance fees.
Go through your car’s manual to get an idea on how often to rotate tires, how often to change oil, and how often to change brake fluid.
By addressing these maintenance needs in a timely manner, you prolong having to face much bigger issues later down the line!
Though car manuals usually only provide a general maintenance schedule, it is still a great way to save money.
25. Set A Daily Routine For Your Finances
The last tip on this list of clever ways to save money is to keep your finances in mind daily.
What I mean by this is to take a couple of minutes out of your day to review your budget. When doing so, make sure that everything is up to date and correct.
You also want to check in on your checking and savings account to make sure there aren’t any double charges or unauthorized charges.
Lastly, you want to evaluate your money saving goals. This helps you get a better idea on where you stand with them and if you’re getting closer to accomplishing them.
It really only takes a couple of minutes to do this daily and can make a HUGE difference in your finances!
This post was all about the best clever ways to save money of all-time.
Now that you are aware of these clever ways to save money, make sure to try them out!
These are especially great for those that need help saving money at this very moment.
The sooner you start using these clever ways to save money, the better off you will be financially now and in the future!
For those that are parents and have been wondering how to save money for kids, these tips are all worth showing them at a young age.
That way, they too can work towards having a better future while they are still young.
If you found even the tiniest bit of information from this post helpful, just know that it was made simply for you.
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