17 Super Cute Cheap Date Night Ideas At Home You’ll Both Enjoy
Plenty of cheap date night ideas at home exist so you can impress your significant other without breaking the bank. That’s correct, one of the many great places for dates is right in your own home! You and your date will have a lot of fun partaking in these indoor date ideas while saving serious money.

Bringing one of the many cheap date night ideas at home to life can take the night to another level.
So much so that it will bring you and your date a lot closer together.
As someone who has tried these cheap date night ideas at home, I can confirm they are so much fun!
Along with this, they are a great way to save money at home with how inexpensive they all are.
You are going to be learning about some of the best cheap date night ideas at home worth trying out.
That way, you and your significant other can enjoy a very romantic evening filled with lots of laughs!
This post is all about super cute cheap date night ideas at home that will make your night memorable while on a budget.
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Super Cute Cheap Date Night Ideas At Home
Before getting to the good stuff, don’t forget to pin this post so you have an easier time coming back to it at a later time.
What Is A Cheap Date?
A cheap date is essentially a date that you can have without spending a lot of money.
Because most believe that you need to spend money in order to have fun, cheap date night ideas at home don’t usually cross their mind.
However, you most definitely can have an incredibly fun date without breaking the bank!
How Can I Be Romantic On A Budget?
There are plenty of ways to be romantic when you’re on a tight budget!
The best way is to first be aware of the many cheap date night ideas at home that are available.
Not only are all of these at home date night ideas affordable, but they are guaranteed to bring you and your significant other closer together!
Keep in mind that it isn’t always about how much money you spend.
But rather, how creative you can be with having fun and being romantic in order to create a memorable night.
A night that will make your partner appreciate the little things that you do for them!
How Do You Make A Romantic Date Night At Home?
Listed down below are 17 insanely cute and romantic cheap date night ideas at home worth bringing to life!
1. Movie Night
This will forever be one of the best at home date night ideas every couple will enjoy.
I mean, you literally get to have a movie date while snuggling up in the comfort of your own home!
You can wear your favorite sweatpants and bring out a soft blanket to really make things cozy.
If you want to take things a step further, you can wear matching onesies to make things extra cute! These are great to take pictures in so that you both have memories to look back on.
To help set the mood, you can set up some lights to easily make the night a bit more romantic.
Before starting the movie, make sure to have some popcorn with the movie theater butter ready to snack on!
2. Do A Puzzle Together
Sitting down and putting a puzzle together is one of those cute things for couples to do at home when bored.
There are plenty of puzzles that are 500 pieces and even some that are 1000 pieces to choose from.
What’s nice about putting one together is the amount of quality time you get with your partner!
You can choose to try and complete the entire puzzle in one sitting. Or take as many days as you want until you finish it.
Not finishing the puzzle in one sitting allows you and your partner to have something to look forward to!
This is especially true if you both work a 9 to 5 job.
Just make sure to have a puzzle mat you can roll up to save your progress.
3. Game Night
Not the biggest fan of putting puzzles together? Then another one of those great date ideas for couples is having a game night!
You can bust out board games like Chess, Scrabble, and Battleship. Or take out a deck of cards and play games like War or Go Fish.
Having a night like this calls for a little friendly competition. Take it a step further by coming up with a small prize for the winner.
For example, the winner gets to pick where you both will get ice cream from, but the loser pays.
The beauty about this type of night is, the more the merrier!
You can invite some friends and turn this into a double date or a group date for even more fun!
When having a group date, Hedbanz is a fun picture guessing game you can play with up to 6 people.
4. Video Game Showdown
If you don’t have any board games lying around, don’t worry. As another option is to play video games!
There are plenty of two player games to choose from where you can go head-to-head with your date.
As well as games where you both are on the same team and need to work together!
I personally find the latter much more fun because you get to accomplish tasks and beat levels together.
Which is a great way to strengthen your relationship through the act of communicating.
Since most guys enjoy video games, this is one of those things to do with your boyfriend at home that he will love!
Make sure to have some snacks readily available so that you both have something to munch on while playing.
5. Paint Night
Painting is one of the best creative date night ideas because you can really show off how creative you are!
All you need is a paint brush set, acrylic paint in different colors, and some blank canvas boards to begin.
You can either select a random picture from the internet to paint. Or look up a painting tutorial online and follow along.
If you’re not the greatest at painting but still want to have one of these nights, you can purchase a paint by numbers kit.
These kits come with brushes, numbered acrylic paint, and a couple of canvases. The canvases already have the drawing pre-printed on them.
So all you have to do is match the numbered acrylic paint to the correct number on the drawing and paint away!
You can even spice things up and take some wine out, pour you and your partner a glass, and sip away as you both paint.
Once done with your pantings, you can purchase picture frames to hang your paintings up on one of your walls.
That way, you have a reminder of your unforgettable painting date night at home!
6. Bake Some Sweets
If you have a sweet tooth, then this type of date will be perfect for you and your partner!
Not only does baking sweets fall under cute date night ideas at home, but it’s the best way to treat your sweet tooth.
You and your date get to work together to make delicious treats you can both enjoy afterwards!
There are plenty of beginner friendly treat ideas to choose from. Such as baking cookies, making chocolate covered strawberries, or making tasty cake pops.
If you’re wanting more of a challenge, you can look through a baking cookbook to get some ideas on what to bake.
This is one of those date night ideas that can become a bit more romantic by playing some music in the background.
7. Karaoke Night
Have you ever wanted to show off your amazing singing skills?
Then having a karaoke night is one of the many spontaneous things to do with your boyfriend that’s really fun!
Don’t worry if you aren’t that great at singing as you will STILL have a good time!
This type of night is incredibly easy to put together. All you need is a karaoke microphone and some music.
When it comes to the music, you can go on YouTube and search your favorite songs.
Just make sure the lyrics are included on the screen so you can sing along.
If you want to make things more romantic, you can purchase a pair of karaoke microphones.
Using these allows you and your significant other to sing duets together!
Singing not only reduces stress levels, but it also releases endorphins. Which is the chemical that boosts your mood.
So think of this as one of those cute indoor date ideas where you both will benefit in more than one way!
8. Look Through Old Yearbooks
Did you purchase a yearbook when you were in high school? Then you most likely have it tucked away somewhere in your home or in storage.
It might even be a long time since you last went through it.
This is not only a way to reminisce on old memories, but it’s also a great way to share stories!
Whether it be a good one, a bad one, or a funny one, with your partner.
Sharing personal stories helps your partner get insight on your past and can help them understand you as a person even better.
If you really want to go down memory lane, you can pull out all of your yearbooks you have!
Since you won’t be spending any money, this instantly becomes one of the best free dates worth having.
9. Play 20 Questions
Speaking of getting to know your partner better, a fun way to do so is by playing 20 questions.
Many will agree that this is one of many out of the box date night ideas at home where you can learn a lot. And I truly mean A LOT!
The biggest advice I have, is to ask open ended questions rather than just yes or no ones.
Open ended questions that are so clever you will have your partner sharing a new part of them you were never aware of!
You can come up with your own questions or play a card game like Let’s Get Deep.
The cards included contain questions to ask that will have you both learning new things about each other. All while having a good time!
10. Rearrange Your Home
Sometimes coming home to things always looking the same gets tiring.
This is where you and your partner can get creative and rearrange a room or the whole house.
It’s as simple as moving a couple pieces of furniture around to easily give your place a new look!
If you need some inspiration, you can always get ideas from Pinterest.
One of the top home decor ideas is to purchase vases of different sizes and put dried pampas grass inside them.
So rather than searching, date night ideas near me, you can instead enjoy this date idea right in your home!
11. Take Dance Lessons
There was once a time where you had to physically go to a dance studio to take dance lessons. However, that is no longer the case.
Thanks to YouTube, you and your significant other can learn how to dance in the comfort of your own home!
So many dance moves can be learned from simply watching tutorials online.
Once ready, all you have to do is move some furniture around to make room for dancing. Make sure to also pull out a speaker and play music to dance to!
You can either wear comfortable clothes or go all out by dressing up in fancy clothes.
This is one of those romantic date night ideas at home for him where you can both benefit from.
Mostly because of all the exercise you will both be getting!
12. Fancy Dinner Night
Rather than going out to a fancy restaurant where you might have to wait long for the food to arrive and pay a lot of money, create a fancy dinner at home instead!
Have you and your partner dress up in nice clothes as if you were heading to a 5 star restaurant.
For my ladies out there, do your hair and makeup and wear a nice dress.
For the men, have them wear a nice button up shirt and some dress pants. Or if you really want to go all out, have them wear a suit.
When it comes to the food, you can go about this two different ways.
The first is to order take out from one of your favorite restaurants. You can then transfer the food from the containers onto a dish so that it gives a restaurant vibe.
The second is to make food you already know how to cook or pull out a cookbook and cook a new meal together.
13. Binge Watch A New Show
Picking a new show to binge watch that neither you or your partner have seen is perfect for when you want a night to just lay in bed!
Think of this as one of those lazy date ideas at home where you get to see new things.
Since the show will be completely new, you get to go through the emotions together!
As well as have something to talk about once an episode ends.
You can talk about which characters are your favorite, which ones you’re not a big fan of, and possible outcomes for the next episode!
If you’re up to it, you can even build a little fort filled with tons of tasty snacks.
14. Massage Night
This is a great way to add romance into your life and get a bit intimate with your significant other.
Most will agree that getting a massage is an amazing way to destress and feel rejuvenated. Especially after a long day or week at work!
You can add to the experience by having a super soft robe and cozy spa slippers available.
Bring out a body massage oil to use as you massage your partner to soothe any sore body parts.
Trust me when I say they will LOVE and appreciate it so much!
You can either have this type of date on a Sunday night to start your work week off right. Or on a Friday night to finish off a long and difficult work week.
15. Spa Date
Going out to a spa to get pampered gets expensive very quick. So why not bring the spa to your home?
Similar to a massage night, having a spa date allows you to enjoy the company of your partner in a romantic and relaxing way!
Get into some comfortable robes and spa-quality slippers, apply a soothing face mask, and slice up some cucumbers to go over your eyes.
If you don’t want to use cucumbers, you can instead use under eye patches.
After removing your face mask and patches, light some candles, pour a glass of wine, and take a bath together.
Having this type of night really relaxes you and brings you much closer to your significant other!
16. Plan Your Future Together
This is definitely not one of those first date ideas. But it is an amazing date idea for those that have been together for a long time!
Though it’s easy to live in the moment, it is wise to plan your future with your partner.
Being on the same page allows both of you to know what your goals are and how to accomplish them as a team!
There are tons of short and long term goals worth trying to achieve together.
Here are just a few:
- Create a budget and save as much money as you can before the year ends.
- Talk about future vacations to go on whether it’s local, to a different state, or even out of the country.
- Discuss personal things to work on in order to grow into a better version of yourself to help strengthen your relationship.
- If you’re thinking about having children, discuss how many you would like to have, at what age, and how you would like to raise them.
If you are both really into finances, you can even read a book like Smart Couples Finish Rich together.
This book provides so many great techniques to live life as a successful couple!
Especially financially.
Accomplishing goals together will give you both something to look back on and be very proud of!
17. Recreate Your First Date
Remember getting ready to on your first date with your significant other and searching, cheap first date ideas?
Or places to go on a date near me? Maybe even how to have fun date days?
Thinking back to your first date can bring back a lot of unforgettable memories. So why not recreate them, but this time at home!
Gather as many things inside your home and recreate your first date as best as you can.
You can take a walk down memory lane and bring up memories you’ve made since being together.
Throw in a little twist by writing each other letters to read out loud!
In these letters, you can write about how the other person has changed your life for the better since meeting.
Just make sure to have a box of tissues handy in case things get emotional.
Trust me, you’ll thank me later!
This post was all about oh-so-cute cheap date night ideas at home to rekindle the spark in your relationship.
Whether you’ve been looking for cheap date ideas for married couples or at home date night ideas for parents, you now know of some.
Do note that these are also great cheap date night ideas for college students on a budget.
Any of these cheap date night ideas at home will help strengthen your relationship!
All while learning something new about your partner, having lots of laughs, and creating new memories.
Make sure to create a stay at home date night kit so that you can have these dates frequently throughout the week to keep things exciting!
If you found even the tiniest bit of information from this post helpful, just know that it was made simply for you.
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