Ways To Save Money At Home – 31 Inexpensive Activities To Do

Hands down one of the best ways to save money at home is by doing low-cost activities. Fun activities you can do right in the comfort of your own home without breaking the bank. Luckily, there are many at home activities you can do instead of going out and spending a lot of money.

ways to save money at home

If you’re tired of spending too much money going out and want to know of ways to save money at home, you’re in luck!

Although going out constantly can be quite fun, it can get very expensive, real quick.

There are even people who get into debt because they aren’t able to say ‘No’ to constantly going out.

Which is something you definitely don’t want to happen to you, especially if you’re trying to stay debt free!

As someone who loves finding clever ways to save money, I know of many ways to save money at home.

You are going to learn about ways to save money at home through doing activities that are low-cost!

This post is all about ways to save money at home by participating in at home activities that are inexpensive.

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How Can I Save $1,000 In 30 Days?

Not going to lie, there are probably over 250 money saving tips available that help you save $1,000 in 30 days!

There are of course your standard money saving techniques. Such as using coupons, shopping second hand, carpooling and DIY to save money.

However, most tend to forget that one of the top ways to save money at home is by doing activities at home that don’t cost a lot of money!

Since going out constantly gets expensive, keeping yourself occupied at home is what will help you save $1,000 in 30 days.

How Can I Save With Very Little Money?

Listed down below are affordable at home activities worth doing when money is tight and you’re trying to save.

Most of these fun activities are even viewed as some of the best ways to save money at home!

1. Read A Book

By far one of the best things to do when bored at home is to read a book!

Depending on what you like to read, there is a lot of knowledge y0u can learn from reading books.

When you were in school you might’ve even heard the saying, “Knowledge is power”.

Which is honestly very true!

If you’re big on learning, consider reading a book that teaches you how to start a business, how to be a better version of yourself, or how to invest money.

Related: 8 Must-Read Personal Finance Books To Reach Financial Freedom

2. Rearrange Your Home

If you’re getting bored with how your home looks, you don’t have to buy new items to spice things up.

You can instead take the furniture and home decor you already own and rearrange it!

You’ll even benefit from getting a good workout. Especially with all of the walking and lifting you will be doing.

If you live with your partner, then this is one of many fun at home activities for couples worth doing!

3. Bake Tasty Treats

at home activities for kids

Happen to have a sweet tooth? Then baking treats is something you will definitely enjoy!

Not only are there many treats to choose from, but you’ll be able to enjoy them once they’re ready to eat.

Cake pops are a fairly common treat to bake because of how delicious they are. As well as how much fun you will have decorating them!

There are even cake pop baking kits that contain the baking essentials you need to get started.

If you happen to have kids and are looking for at home activities for kids to do, this is one they will enjoy!

4. Start A Blog

On top of being an inexpensive home activity, this is one that can start off as a side hustle, but can eventually have you quitting your current job.

Although some people see running a blog as just a hobby, it can actually make you a lot of money! Which is why it is in your best interest to learn how to start a blog as well as ways to monetize your site.

The best part about blogging is you can literally talk about whatever you want!

Take me for example, I’m a blogger who likes to write about clever ways to save money, simple budgeting, how to get out of debt and other personal finance topics.

So if you enjoy making helpful content and want to make money doing so, start a blog!

One of the best blogging platforms to start off with is Bluehost. Not only are they affordable, but their services are great.

5. Call A Friend

After high school, it’s common for you and your friends to go on completely different paths.

While some get busy starting a family, others move out of state to attend college, join the military or the workforce. It is during these times that it can be difficult keeping in touch.

Whether you’re excited to tell them about a saving money challenge you’re about to start or realistic ways to save money you just discovered, give your friends a call.

Depending on how long it’s been since you last spoke, you can find yourself enjoying great conversations for hours!

So think of this as one of many fun things to do at home with friends. Even if you’re miles away from each other.

6. Paint Away

how to save money for students

Don’t worry if you’re not an artist because a paint by numbers kit makes it possible to paint away with no experience!

The acrylic paint and canvas are pre-numbered so all you have to do is match them up.

You can even turn on some music or your favorite podcast that helps you destress as you paint. The best part is that once you’re done, you can frame the finished product and hang it up.

So think of this as one of many creative ways to save money rather than buying expensive art!

7. Deep Clean Your House

There is something about walking into a clean home that just hits different, in a good way of course!

Most of us are good at cleaning our home, but not so much when it comes to deep cleaning it.

At least once a month, you want to make sure to really get in there and deep clean.

Use a microfiber duster to remove dust from ceiling fans, shelves, base boards, vents, blind, and shutters.

You also want to clean all appliances, disinfect the shower, as well as wash any bedding and pillows.

Trust me when I say you’ll enjoy relaxing in your home a lot better!

8. Clean Out Your Purse

When you’re constantly on the go, it’s easy to throw things in your purse that you will need to tackle your day.

But when was the last time you cleaned it out? If you’re anything like me, then it has probably been quite some time since you last did so.

When cleaning out your purse, you can find unnecessary stuff that you don’t need and can throw out.

You might even find items deep in there that you’ve been searching for within the last couple of days!

To make things easier for you in the future, purchase a purse organizer to keep your belongings organized from the beginning.

9. Declutter Drawers And Cabinets

clever ways to save money

Similar to a purse, your drawers and cabinets can fill up with clutter as time goes on.

This is especially true when you purchase groceries. As you’re putting them away, your previous groceries get pushed back and forgotten!

By the time you remember them, they might already be past their expiration date.

When you’re done decluttering, make sure to organize your current belongings using drawer organizers. This will help ensure that you’re able to see your things clearly and prevent them from going to waste!

In fact, keeping your groceries well organized is one of many ways to save money on groceries.

10. Wash Your Car

Some say that cleaning your car is a form of therapy that can really help you destress.

So if you’re wanting an activity where you can be outdoors but not have to drive anywhere, consider washing your car!

Just make sure to use a car cleaning kit that has everything you need to get the job done.

That way you are left with a car that smells good and looks as if it is completely brand new!

11. Play Video Games

There are plenty of video games out there that you’re bound to come across one that catches your interest.

Video games are known to help you increase hand-eye coordination and improve problem solving skills. As well as make you faster and more accurate at decision making!

Don’t worry if you don’t have a gaming console, as plenty of games can be downloaded through the App Store.

Some free games worth downloading that are very fun are Angry Birds 2, Candy Crush Saga and Pokemon GO!

12. Schedule Overdue Appointments

how to save money fast on a low income

Not going to lie, this is something a lot of people forget to do!

But when you have time, schedule any and all medical appointments that you are overdue for.

This includes making an appointment with your primary care doctor for your yearly physical exam, getting set up to see your dentist for a deep cleaning and seeing your eye doctor to get your vision checked out.

If you’re the type of person that is very forgetful, use an appointment book to write things down. That way you don’t end up missing any of your upcoming appointments!

13. Meal Prep For The Week

Having to cook every single day as soon as you get home from work can be a hassle.

Especially if you had a long, hard day at work and just want to come home and relax!

Meal prepping allows you to have food ready ahead of time so you don’t have to cook as much throughout the week.

It is also one of the best ways to save money on a tight budget since you won’t be ordering out as much.

Make sure to use meal prep containers you can quickly grab when you’re on the go!

14. Take A Nap

They say that the average amount of hours of sleep a person should get is between 7 to 9 hours a night.

Let’s be real though, not all of us get the luxury of being able to sleep that much.

When you’re not working, take a nap to help catch up on your rest!

If you’re somebody who has trouble taking a nap during the day, try using a sleeping mask and some earbuds.

That way you can block out any bright light or unwanted noise getting in the way of your nap.

15. Binge Watch A Series

10 ways to save money

Watching a series until you’re completely done with every episode is a great way to keep yourself entertained for hours!

With the many streaming services that are available, you have plenty of options to choose from.

There are even some free streaming services like Tubi that have some really good shows worth watching.

Since you’ll be sitting for hours, make sure to have some snacks on hand to munch on while you enjoy your show!

16. Paint Your Nails

I cannot tell you how much money I’ve personally saved by painting my own nails at home!

It may seem daunting at first as you may worry that they won’t come out looking perfect. Trust me when I say I had the same mindset when I started.

But as time goes on, you slowly start to find the technique that works for you that helps you become an expert!

If you’re a fan of gel nails, there are so many gel nail polish kits available that are very affordable.

Doing your own nails at home definitely falls under the list of 10 ways to save money at home!

17. Organize Favorites On Amazon

At this point in time, just about every one has Amazon Prime.

If you happen to order the same items repeatedly, take the time to organize all of your beloved favorites!

That way the next time you go to place an order, you can easily go through your favorites and add whatever you need to your cart.

Now if you didn’t know, Amazon actually has a lot of items that can save you money each month!

So if you’ve been wondering how to save money fast on a low income, then make sure to check out my blog post 15 Affordable Best Amazon Products That Will Save You Money.

18. Go Through Clothes

top 10 brilliant money saving tips

Taking the time to go through your clothes helps you see if there are any pieces that you can donate or give away to a loved one!

Which can greatly reduce any clutter you may have lingering in your closet.

You may even come across certain clothing pieces that you forgot you had in the first place. So say hello to some new outfit ideas you’ll be able to put together!

For the clothes you decide to keep, make sure to keep them organized using non-slip hangers. This helps remind you of what clothes you already own so that you’re not tempted to buy more.

19. Have A Garage Sale

Got belongings that you no longer need and want to get rid of?

An alternative to donating your items is to try and make some profit off of them by having a garage sale!

All you really need is some garage sale supplies to begin selling your items. To notify people that you are having a sale, use your social media accounts to make an announcement!

There are plenty of people who have even turned this activity into a full-fledged side hustle that makes a lot of money!

20. Research Your City

If you’re somebody who doesn’t go out often, you might be missing out on some hidden gems in your city!

Using your phone, look up some restaurants, movie theaters, museums, or hiking trails that you’ve never heard of.

Then create a list of all the places that happen to catch your attention. That way the next time you’re heading out, you can try checking out one of the places from your list!

You might surprise yourself and find that some of these spots may even become your new favorite place to visit.

21. Lay Out In The Sun

how to save money from salary

Vitamin D is one of many vitamins that supports your body in order to keep it healthy.

Simply put, it helps form strong bones, promotes tissue health and supports your immune system!

One of the best ways of getting vitamin D is by laying out in the sun. In moderation of course.

The recommended time needed is between 10 to 30 minutes of direct sunlight to ensure your body produces enough vitamin D for the day.

Before laying out in the sun, put on some sunscreen to prevent any unwanted long-term damage from the sun!

22. Go Through Old Photos

Photos make for great memories and what better way to walk down memory lane than by going through the photos on your phone!

Not only do you get to look back at your past, but it also allows you to see if there are any that are worth printing out to put into a photo album.

Going through your entire photo gallery also lets you see if there are any photos you can delete.

Allowing you to create more space on your phone for some new photos!

23. Go Through Apps On Your Phone

Similar to going through your photos, going through your apps is something that is worth doing!

It’s not common for most people to go through their apps frequently. So doing so can help you figure out which ones you no longer need and can delete.

You might even come across some that you completely forgot about.

But rediscover that they’re actually really helpful to use so you start using them again!

24. Take A Bath

saving money challenge

Nothing beats being able to come home after a busy day and relax by taking a warm bath!

Warm baths are an amazing way to pamper yourself so that you can completely destress.

If you happen to have any bath bombs available, use them to experience an at home spa experience. That way you are left feeling fully refreshed once you’re done!

You can even pour yourself a glass of wine, put some soothing music on and light a candle to elevate your experience.

25. Set Up A Budget

This particular activity helps out when you’re looking for ways on how to save money from salary.

That is to create a budget. You don’t actually need a whole lot when making a budget and if you’re completely new to the whole budget process, don’t worry because I got you!

Budgeting is not something that is difficult, but if you need some help, I have some blog posts worth going over.

In the end, you will know of the best ways to budget so that you can create a monthly budget that actually works at putting you in control of your money!

26. Watch The Sunset

For those that have never sat down to watch the sunset, you are definitely missing out!

Seeing just how beautiful the sunset is makes you really appreciate nature a lot more.

Luckily for you, the sun sets every single day so no matter where you are, you get a chance to admire its beauty.

It’s as simple as heading to your backyard and putting an outdoor blanket on the ground to sit on as you watch the sunset do its thing!

27. Practice Your Makeup Skills

simple budgeting

Practice makes perfect, which definitely applies to your makeup skills!

If you’ve been wanting to try a new eyeshadow look, learn to contour and highlight your face like a pro, or master your technique when creating winged eyeliner, then take some time to practice.

Use an eyeshadow palette that has an array of colors, a cream contour kit, or a lipstick kit to create a new look.

You may even end up loving your new look so much that the products you end up using will become part of your holy grails!

28. Come Up With A Skincare Routine

Taking proper care of your skin is key to having it look healthy and youthful!

In order to achieve this, it is recommended to use the correct products that cater to your skin type. Whether it be dry, oily, a combination of both, or normal.

So take the time to do thorough research to be able to create a routine that contains the right products.

Whenever you decide to actually purchase your items, use an organizer to keep everything together!

29. Find Ways To Lower Bills

Tired of paying so much money for your bills every month while being on a tight budget?

Then finding ways to lower your bills is a beneficial way to pass the time. As well as help you save a lot of money!

From your electric bill, to your water bill, and even your phone bill, there are so many ways to lower each one of these.

If you want to know about some of these ways, make sure to check out the following blog posts:

So if you’re looking for the best way to save money for future use, lowering your bills is one of the top 10 brilliant money saving tips worth following!

30. Build A Block Set

There are so many building sets out there that cater to adults and that will keep you busy for hours!

You definitely have many options to select from. Such as building a beautiful cherry three house, a city coffee shop and even a cute dessert shop!

Once you’re done building the set, you can then display it as home decor.

If you happen to have a friend over, this is one of many fun things to do at home with friends!

31. Write A Letter To Yourself

fun things to do at home with friends

Remember when writing in a diary was a thing? This was and still is a great way to get your thoughts out!

You can take a notebook and write down everything you’re currently going through and where you are in life.

Then a year from now, go back into your notebook and do the same thing again.

Once you’re done, look back at what you wrote to yourself a year ago and see how far you’ve come.

This is a way to look back and be proud of all the positive changes that have happened to you!

You would be surprised at just how much can actually change in just one year.

This post was all about the best ways to save money at home doing low-cost at home activities.

Whether you’ve been wondering how to save money for students, how to save money as a teenager, or how to save money in general, you now know how.

All of these home activities are some of the best ways to save money at home every month!

Saving effectively comes in handy when you’re trying your best to stick to your monthly budget.

The more activities you do at home and the more consistently you do so, the more savings you will see!

If you found even the tiniest bit of information from this post helpful, just know that it was made simply for you.


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